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Renew Pre-Workout Stimulant Free, 19g Sachet, for high energy and cell hydration, consume 30 min before exercise or the game to achieve maximum performance and desired results.

Regular price
Rs. 135.00
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Sale price
Rs. 135.00

Dorian Yates’ Stimulant Free Pre-workout is a caffeine and stimulant-free pre-workout for anyone working out late at night, sensitive to stimulants, or looking for a great workout without stimulants. Containing, an impressive range of ingredients in research supported dosages including 3000mg creatine HCI, 2508mg betaine Anhydrous, 3000mg arginine AKG, 3000mg citrulline malate, b vitamins, and electrolytes, Dorian Yates’ Stimulant Free Pre-workout has been formulated to help you get the most out of your training sessions.

Why Caffeine Free?
To this end then, we know that it is important to have a pre-workout supplement that is free from stimulants available to the public. Many people have high habitual caffeine intakes through tea, coffee and stimulant drinks as it is, and working schedules are no longer just 9-5 meaning more and more people are exercising later at night. If you consider that sleep is the time when the vast majority of muscle hypertrophy and CNS recovery takes place, it makes sense to not interfere with it. Amongst caffeine’s known side effects are sleep deprivation, which brings with it a risk of performance deficits often linked to reduced muscle and CNS recovery.
Daily caffeine consumption causes a reduction in 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (the main metabolite of melatonin, the sleep hormone) which will detrimentally impact the ensuing nights sleep, which is one of the mechanisms by which sleep is interrupted through caffeine intake.

Features & Benefits
Dorian Yates’ Pre-Workout offers the array of benefits a quality, expertly formulated pre-workout should, minus the over stimulation occasionally caused by caffeine, especially if you train late at night. Needless to say it delivers far more than that though, take the inclusion of the most heavily researched supplement ingredient of all time, Creatine HCI as the prime example, or the conditionally essential amino acid L-arginine alpha ketoglutarate (Arginine AKG), known to elicit vasodilation and improved blood perfusion to the working muscle, take also Citrulline Malate, the organic salt of malic acid which is a key and established intermediate in the energy producing citric acid cycle. You see, pre-workouts must deliver more than energy in the form of calories, although that can be important it will only get you and your
clients so far, the ergogenic effect must be multi-faceted if optimal results are required.


Creatine HCI, L-Citrulline, L-Arginine (Alpha Ketoglutarate), Black Pepper Ext (Piper Nigrum), Diluents (INS 1405), Betaine Anhydrous, Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCI), Vitmain B12 (Cyanocobalamin), Antioxidants (INS 320), Preservative (INS 202), Anticaking agent (INS 551), Acidity Regulator (INS 330), Artificial Sweetener (INS 955), Colour, Flavour


Typical values per Serving

(% RDA Per Serving)

Creatine HCI

3000 mg



3000 mg


L-Arginine (Alpha Ketoglutarate) 3000 mg


Betaine Anhydrous 2500 mg


Black Pepper Ext (Piper Nigrum) 5.7 mg **
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCI) 2.4 mg 100%
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) 2.2 mcg



Guidance Notice

This product is a food supplement and should be used in conjunction with food as part of a healthy and varied diet and not as a substitute. The recommended consumption is 1 serving per day. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of the reach of young children. Always consult your GP or Pharmacist prior to taking supplements. This product is not recommended for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women. Pregnant or lactating women should consult a GP before taking supplements.

Instructions for Use

Mix 1 sachet (approximately 19g) in 200-300ml water 30 minutes before exercise.

Storage Instructions

Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight. Best consumed immediately once opened. 

Renew Pre-Workout Stimulant Free, 19g Sachet, for high energy and cell hydration, consume 30 min before exercise or the game to achieve maximum performance and desired results.Renew Pre-Workout Stimulant Free, 19g Sachet, for high energy and cell hydration, consume 30 min before exercise or the game to achieve maximum performance and desired results.Renew Pre-Workout Stimulant Free, 19g Sachet, for high energy and cell hydration, consume 30 min before exercise or the game to achieve maximum performance and desired results.